Console Modding

I Am Now Streaming + Creative Update

Posted by Jii Kae on

Yo! So as you can see in the title. I have started doing streams now. Not sure how regularly I will do them but I will be streaming exactly what you’d expect from me: Game playing and music making. We discussed game preservation in a recent stream here. Modding will be slowing down for me too. Limited release builds make more sense for how I want to approach things. Did this with the Neon Genesis Evangelion controller & it gave me the freedom to just experiment instead of focusing on mass production. Lastly. Music will be a big focus this...

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Game Boy Pink to Blue Fade Shells in Stock + Update

Posted by Jii Kae on

The pink to blue gradient Game Boy shells have been highly requested. So I have more in stock now. Shop here. R&D for custom Nintendo Switch work will also be coming to a close. Demand has slowed down for custom Switch designs as we get closer to the potential release of a new Nintendo console. So I am saving my bandwidth for when that time comes. Old designs will continue being sold as usual. Happy holidays and thank you for your continued support!

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Neon Genesis Evangelion GC Controller Out Now + Update

Posted by Jii Kae on

Been a busy year for me, but finally got a chance to release another new controller design. It is an Evangelion-themed Gamecube controller. Probably the most intricate controller that I’ve ever done. So this will most likely be the only run for it. You can purchase here In other news. I’ve also been working on more music, planning to do more songs with vocals and collaborate more. Expect at least two more projects from me in the next 4 months.  Until then, appreciate the support. Much love <3

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New Controller Mods / / Spring '23 Preview

Posted by Jii Kae on

Been working on dropping new console mods for this Spring. The big focus for me has been resin casting. So I will be releasing more buttons and parts than ever before.Working on this drop has been interesting for me because I've had to rethink my process a good bit. Now I've been working on casting buttons first and then coming up with designs to complement those buttons. Which is an approach I never considered before. But I'm liking how it is turning out.Be on the look out this Spring for some re-stocks. New designs and new kits. See you then....

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